Wednesday, September 8, 2010


1.)is the internet good as others say?

     =>Internet is good because it has many uses specially now. It helps us communicate to our relatives abroad and helps us easier to find the meaning of the difficult words.
2.) What are the advantages and disadvantages of internet?? advantages
   =>it help us communicate to our relatives abroad.
   =>helps us search easier for the difficult words.
   =>makes us "addict" to computer.
   =>it makes us lazy to read our lesson. 
3.) How has the internet affected or change our life?
  =>the internet affected our life by making us lazy in our studies. it is also the cause why some people specially students who are not attending their classes instead they go to computer shops. 
4.)What if you can make a contribution in the internet what it would be and why?
  =>I'm going to create a cheat engine that will block all viruses so that when you use the computer the computer will not be affected by a virus.

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